
Posts by ytpotential:

Your True Potential

Practical Advice

Practical Advice To Be More Present A great skill to learn is that of being more present. Being present is simply being focused on your environment and your current task. It means that your mind isn’t thinking about anything else other than what is right in front of you. There are so many great benefits […]

Your True Potential


Equanimity: How to Maintain a Neutral Mind Equanimity is the ability to be present with whatever is happening, whether it is positive, negative, or neutral, without reacting to it. It means you’d have the same, non-emotional reaction to cleaning the garage, eating dinner, or watching a dog in the park. Emotionally, you’re okay with whatever […]

Your True Potential

Vision Board

Create a Vision Board and Reach Your Goals A vision board can be a wonderful tool for reminding yourself about your goals each day. One of the most challenging parts of achieving goals is sticking with them. It’s easy to become distracted, lose hope, or even forget about them. A vision board is a solution […]

Your True Potential

Success Mindset

Top 10 Components of a Success Mindset Success starts with mindset. Different mindsets give different outcomes. A poor mindset leads to poor results. A positive mindset leads to success. While your experience, education, and skills can matter a lot, your mindset can make all the difference. Luckily, anyone can develop a mindset primed for success. […]

Chapter 8

Supergirl: Meeting Expectations and Comparing Yourself to Others First of all, let me say that I love the theme of this book! I found the context Tamara provided about Super girl really set the tone for this chapter. Super girl hid her powers from the world for a long time until she was forced to […]

Chapter 7

Emotions and Meditation “Only the strong survive.” Why in society do we only concentrate our emotional teachings on strength…never showing you or one can break…”Don’t let them see you sweat”…we say…”Don’t let them break you.” Chapter 7 in Discover Your Superpower was a refreshing read. I say this because it was straight forward and focused […]

Chapter 6

“Reading this chapter served as a powerful reminder of the importance of seeing the good in people and leading with love. There is so much power in acting with love even when others around you aren’t. By acting in love, I can control the interactions I have with others and their impact on me and […]

Chapter 5

“Chapter 5 is designed to help the reader discover what binds them, Chapter 5 was a beautiful, transparent and thoughtful account of what could have held the author back in life. This insightful passage was full of purpose and encouraging instruction. A true inspiration for any part of your journey!” ~Quiana Wiley, Personal Stylist and […]

Chapter 4

“This chapter speaks volumes to me! I have a tendency to underestimate my true potential, underutilize the resources that are right at my fingertips and I have difficulty knowing without a doubt what it is exactly I bring to the table in specific situations. I have a great ability to bring individuals with common interest […]

Chapter 3

“What an amazing message! This chapter hits home for me in so many ways. Self-doubt can creep in so easily when you’re not sure how to start and reach a goal, or when someone tries to convince you away from something because it seems uncertain or hard. I remember my dad always asking me “Do […]

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