
Chapter 16 & 17

Perhaps the most robust of all the superpowers (at least in my opinion) is the ability to serve. As you unlock your true potential, Tamara pushes you into making sure you give back, not because it is the right thing to do…but because it is the powerful thing to do. Serving allows you to unleash all you have learned on this journey into the next person. The beautiful reward from serving is that you are really sowing and the magnificent result of sowing is that you immediately reap. You reap gratitude, you reap knowledge, you reap edification and you reap an open door…perhaps the door to your purpose or even the door you have been waiting to open. This chapter shows us that Tamara’s gift to serve is a road map to making sure that as we “power-up” in life…we reach back…we give back. ~Lori Peterson, Co-Founder of P3 Ministries and P3 Life Builders – A Place to Find Purpose, Power and Prosperity. Worthington, Ohio

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