

Your True Potential

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Discover Your Superpowers: The Key to Unlocking Your True Potential™

I’m sure over your lifetime you’ve heard someone say, “I’m not a superhero, I’m only human.” Perhaps you’ve said it yourself a few times.

But what if, in fact, you are a superhero? You’ve simply yet to unlock your superpowers?

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I’ve known I had a message to share since I was a teenager. The vision was loosely in the back of my head. I’d see myself presenting, conducting seminars or mentoring young adults. I find myself saying “the messages that come to me, can’t just be for me”. The experiences I’ve had in my life were so obviously planted that they had to be shared. Throughout the years I’ve unknowingly or unconsciously been mentoring friends, family and occasionally a stranger. The problem with my vision was I couldn’t see the whole picture. I couldn’t visualize the concept and had no idea what I was supposed to say. It was tough knowing I had a message but didn’t know what the message was. A couple years ago the urge got stronger so I started soul searching and asking myself lots of questions to put the pieces of the puzzle together. I discuss in this book the final piece to that puzzle. The final piece I’ve been waiting for. It’s the piece I waited 20 years for… I figured it out and now it’s time for me to share. I have the blueprint!
It’s the blueprint to help you set new intentions for your life. I have the key to ignite the power within you!

I initially got my coaching license because I thought I was here to help people one on one but shortly after receiving my certificate the messages started flowing in and it was evident to me that these messages were not just for the hand full of people I could reach on a one on one basis. These messages were supposed to be shared with as many people as I could get it in front of.

This book will allow you to dream with intent, work harder, believe more in yourself, realize it’s not too late to change directions, make better decisions, capitalize on your surroundings. I will discuss briefly the backstory of various superhero’s and then discuss how this applies to our human powers and how you can use these powers to reach your true potential. ~Tamara Paul

By reading Discover Your Superpowers: The Key to Unlocking Your True Potential™, I’m hopeful that you’ll not only discovered your own superpowers, but those of others, and how when we each operate in a quality of sharing—utilizing our gifts, talents, skills and resources to benefit the entire network—we can truly change our home, environment, business endeavors, community, nation, and the entire world!

Diary of a Superhero:
Journaling Toward Your True Potential™

Work Your Way To Your True Potential™:
Discover & Unleash Your Superpowers

This journal & workbook will serve as instruments to allow you to unleash your true potential in ways you never imagined. They will either help you discover more in-depth your powers within, or serve as confirmation that you have unlocked your true potential, and that it’s now time to throw away the key, allowing you the eternal freedom of utilizing your superpowers.

The workbook is designed to be a guide to discovering and unleashing your superpowers. The journey will assist you in finding victory over the obstacles that have been holding you back from achieving your hopes, dreams, aspirations, and goals.

You should expect to retrieve tools to assist in building a foundation for success. All activities can be modified to your comfort level. You have the power to be as innovative and creative as you want.

Your True Potential™ teaches heroes are the norm, not the exception. Every human is genetically designed to operate in heroic ways, but it is up to each individual whether they choose to put on their cape. So allow this workbook to incite you to cape up and soar!

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